Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Who we are and how we process your personal data

We are ERA recruitment  – recruitment agency and we are responsible for protecting the privacy of our candidates, clients, and users of our website. The way the ERA recruitment entity will act as the Data Administrator depends on the services we perform for you, as described below.

We want to ensure safe and secure usage of the service by users. We will make every effort to ensure that the information you provide to us or that we collect through various channels (including our website, written correspondence (including email), conversations or meetings with our consultants, or through any of our offices or websites around the world) is used solely for the purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy.

As part of this Privacy Policy, we would like to inform you about the types of personal data we collect, the purposes for which we use the data, and how we process the data. We also aim to comply with the transparency obligation under the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (“GDPR”) and potentially applicable national laws.


Our priority is to protect your personal information. This privacy policy explains how the Company processes and protects personal information regarding:

  • candidates who register with us for positions we manage on behalf of other employers, candidates for positions in the Companies, or those who register through our website, job portals, social networks or other sources;
  • potential candidates;
  • potential clients;
  • business contacts with our clients and suppliers;
  • and users of our websites (collectively referred to as “you” or “user”).

Our policy also aims to duly inform you of your right to privacy and your right to object to data processing. Please refer to the “Ways to contact us” section of this privacy policy to get in touch with us.

Personal data we collect


When you register with us as a candidate to whom we provide a job search service, we process your personal information, including, but not limited to, your name, contact information and information from your CV. Within legally permissible limits, we may also collect information about your health (for example, disability information for reasonable workplace adjustments), information about diversity, with respect to race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and religion (for equal opportunity monitoring), and details of any unexpired criminal convictions if required by you or us when you apply for a position with us. The ERA recruitment anaging the process in which the user has applied to participate.

When you use our website, click on links you receive from us in e-mails, open or forward them, or register and allow us to notify you of job opportunities or other content, we also collect personal information from these interactions.

We also obtain personal data from third parties, among others,

  •  references when a user receives a job offer;

  • previous employers – to confirm dates of employment;

  • educational institutions – to verify the qualifications in terms of user education;

  • credit reporting agencies – to check your financial background;

  • publicly available sources like LinkedIn and social networks to enhance user information and provide better tailored offers;

  •           clients to whom we forwarded the user’s CV and who made contact with the user as part of a job search and who provided feedback on the user’s CV.

Potential candidates

We collect your personal data, including your name, contact information and biographical data obtained from publicly available sources like LinkedIn, CV websites or social networks, in order to contact you if we think you might be interested in our job search assistance. We may also obtain your personal data from other candidates or employers who recommend you as a contact person. In this case, the entity that acts as the Data Administrator for ERA recruitment is the entity that employs the consultant within the structure that identified the user as a potential candidate.

Potential clients

We collect contact information and data related to your function or position in order to establish a business relationship with your company.

Users of our website or application

We collect personal data such as, IP address and other data regarding your device, needed to provide you with selected online content. We also collect data regarding the websites you browse. We also collect data regarding the search queries you have made.

We use cookies and similar technologies to collect most of this data. In this case, the entity that acts as Data Administrator for ERA recruitment is the entity that owns the website. Details of this entity can be found in the legal notice of the website in question or in the list attached at the beginning of this Privacy Policy.


We collect personal data such as name, position and contact information. We process personal data about your communications, including information about the opening and forwarding of emails, newsletters and other content you receive from us. We also process user feedback on our candidates. In this case, the entity that acts as Data Administrator with ERA recruitment is the entity that is party to the contract we sign with you or the company you represent.

When you provide us with information about a candidate (e.g., confirming that the candidate has worked with you or providing references through you), we obtain user data from the candidate and collect the data you provide about the candidate.

We process your personal data from publicly available sources like LinkedIn and social networks, or as you have participated in one of our events, or events whose organizers have the right to share participants’ personal data with us.


Typically, we collect your name and contact information for your company. In this case, the entity that acts as Data Administrator with ERA recruitment is the entity that is party to the contract we sign with you or the company you represent.

Sharing personal data

In some cases, it will be necessary for you to provide us with personal data. If you do not provide us with the personal data we require, we may refuse to provide our services.

How we use your personal data


We use your personal data to:

  • provide job search services;
  • contact you;
  • upload your CV and apply for positions;
  • personalize your experience by creating a candidate profile;
  • monitor equality and diversity;
  • advise you on interviews and compensation; and
  • send you direct marketing to inform you of job opportunities, industry reports and insights, events, promotions and contests, and other content according to your marketing choices.
  • We also run targeted and relevant banner advertisements on our website and social networks to introduce you and like-minded people to job opportunities and content that we think will be of interest. The ads are selected based on the user’s previous interactions with our website, emails and cooperation with our consultants. User response to our ads can be used to measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns and to improve our marketing strategy. This processing is carried out using cookies and only if you have previously given your consent.

Potential candidates and clients

We use your personal data to:

  • determine whether you are interested in our services and how we can help you;
  • contact you and determine your level of interest in our services.

Users of our website and application

 We may use your personal data to:

  • improve and personalize your experience when using our website or application;
  • personalize the advertising you receive from us.


We may use your personal data to:

  • provide recruitment services to you;

  • contact you;

  • obtain your feedback on our services through customer satisfaction surveys, in order to improve and develop our services;

  • maintain a business relationship with you;

  • respond to your inquiries;

  • fulfill our contractual obligations to you;

  •  establish, pursue or defend legal claims; and

  • perform direct marketing.


We use your personal data to:

  • contact you;
  • maintain a business relationship with you;
  •  respond to your inquiries;
  • fulfill our contractual obligations to you;
  • establish, pursue or defend legal claims;
  • perform direct marketing.

You may opt out of receiving marketing messages from us by using the unsubscribe methods included in the messages we send you or by contacting us. We have also established a marketing preference center where you can review and make decisions about your marketing preferences and, at any time, opt out of receiving marketing materials from us.

Legal grounds for processing personal data

In accordance with the GDPR, we rely on the following legal grounds to process your personal data:

  • Performance of a contract – to perform our obligations under a contract with you, such as when clients enter into service contracts and candidates accept our terms of use. Or with respect to potential clients or candidates in order to take the steps necessary to enter into a contract with us.

  •  Fulfillment of a legal obligation – we process your personal data to fulfill legal or regulatory obligations.

  • Our legitimate interests or those of a third party – including:
  • responding to user requests and inquiries (in this case, the legitimate interest of the Companies is to maintain constant and up-to-date communication with clients and candidates, which is part of any business relationship);
  •  optimizing our website performance and user experience;
  •  contacting potential clients in order to establish business relationships with clients (the legitimate interest of ERA recruitment is to maintain any kind of relationship with the company where the contact person works).

  •  informing about our services, job offers, industry reports and information, events, promotions, and contests (the legitimate interest of ERA recruitment is to inform clients and candidates about similar services and products), as well:
  • ensuring that our operations are conducted in an efficient manner and conducting satisfaction surveys of our services.

We have conducted a legitimate interest assessment to confirm that our interests do not override the interests of our clients or fundamental rights and freedoms; you can request such an assessment using the contact information below.


Under certain circumstances, we ask for your consent to process your personal data. For example, if you register for a specific job posting, we also offer you the option to register to receive similar job alerts, or in case we conduct research on talent trends. As far as we process personal data based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. If you wish to withdraw your consent to data processing, please contact us.

Automated decision-making and profiling

We do not make decisions solely on the basis of automated data processing; human intervention is always required before a decision is made.

We conduct two types of profiling based on the personal data of candidates:

  • JobMatch is a tool available on our website for candidates to upload their CVs, so we can recommend job opportunities that match their skills. However, this profiling does not limit or prevent access to other jobs and positions.

  • Smart search of our client database allows us to filter CVs when multiple applications are received for the positions offered, on keywords, years of experience or area of expertise. Then an analysis of the submitted CVs is carried out and after matching keywords and analyzing the suitability of candidates for the position, a smaller group of candidates is generated. As explained above, this process is always controlled by the recruiter, so decisions are not made in an automated manner.

It is important to note that none of this profiling has legal or similar material effects on candidates. However, if you would like to receive more information, please contact us.

What personal data we process

We may process the following personal data:


  1. device IP address,
  2. device screen resolution,
  3. device type (unique device identifiers), operating system and browser type,
  4. geographic location (country only),
  5. preferred language (device interface language),
  6. mouse events (movements, location and clicks),
  7. keystrokes,
  8. referring URL and domain,
  9. pages visited,
  10. server date and time,
  11. location of the terminal device from which the user connects to the service,
  12. UTM tags, determining from which network location the user arrived
  13. online identifiers, including cookie IDs, web protocol addresses and device identifiers.


  1. name and surname,
  2. e-mail address,
  3. phone number,
  4. address of business activity,
  5. company name,
  6. description of organization,
  7. Tax Identification Number (NIP),
  8. Business Registry Number (REGON),
  9. organization website address,
  10. organization social media profilses,
  11. point of contact name, e-mail and phone number ,
  12. billing information and payment details,
  13. history of transactions,
  14. history of correspondence (including by e-mail).


  1. name and surname,
  2. phone number,
  3. e-mail address.


  1. name and surname (or username),
  2. publicly available data contained in the individual user profile (including the image of the user),
  3. contact details contained in the user’s profile on a specific social media (e.g. e-mail address, telephone number, website addresses or addresses of personal profiles in other social media),
  4. data that may be included in a private message, reviews, ratings, recommendations, comments, and other user reactions available on a specific social media app,
  5. personal data of users participating in competitions and marketing, promotional, information or networking campaigns organized by us via social media (including the image of the participant).


  1. name and surname,
  2. phone number,
  3. e-mail address,
  4. other personal data that could potentially be included in the message by the sender.

With whom we share your personal data

External services supporting our business

ERA recruitment is a company operating in the global market. External services supporting our business.

Please bear in mind that in running our business we use the support of specialized external entities which may or must have access to some of your data.

We may disclose your personal data with external provider of:  hosting services and mailing systems, IT services,  accounting, legal, advisory and consulting services.

Some of the operations described above involve sending your personal data to so-called third countries (outside the European Economic Area) where GDPR does not apply. However, this always happens based on the legal instruments provided for in the GDPR, guaranteeing adequate protection of your rights and freedoms.

It may also happen that we have to disclose your personal data state administration bodies authorised to do so by law (e.g. tax authorities, self-government bodies of legal advisers, offices, courts).

In addition, personal data of Service users contained in cookies may also be disclosed to entities with which the administrator has undertaken affiliate cooperation.

In the case of transfer of personal data to a third country within the meaning of the GDPR, when the European Commission has not issued a decision on the adequate protection of personal data for these countries (Article 45 of the GDPR), the personal data controller takes appropriate remedial measures to ensure an appropriate level of data protection. They include, among others European Union Standard Contractual Clauses or Binding Internal Data Protection Laws. In cases where this is not possible, we base the transfer of data on the exceptions set out in Article 49 of the GDPR, in particular based on the express consent or the necessity to transfer data in order to fulfill the terms of the contract or perform pre-contractual measures. The legal basis for the transfer of data to the U.S. is – unless otherwise stated – the consent referred to in Article 6 sec. 1 letter a) of the GDPR in connection with Article 49 sec. 1 letter a) of the GDPR. At the same time, we would like to inform you that in the case of sending data to a third country for which no decision on adequate protection of personal data or appropriate guarantees has been issued, there is a possibility and risk that the authorities in a given third country will gain access to the data sent for the purpose of collecting and analyzing them and that it will not be possible to guarantee the exercise of the rights of the data subjects.

We have implemented and maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access. Only authorized employees and third-party service providers have access to personal data on grounds of necessity and a contractual obligation to treat the information as confidential.

How long we keep your personal data

We keep your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which we collected it, which may be an ongoing purpose. For example, if you are a candidate, we will keep your personal data for the duration of the business relationship and further because we often support candidates in their job search for many years.

We keep some personal data longer than others. To determine the appropriate duration of storage of personal data, we take into account factors such as the purposes for which we process personal data, including legal, regulatory, accounting, and reporting obligations, the nature and amount of your personal data stored, and the potential risk of harm to you as a result of unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal data.

If we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, we will continue to do so until you ask us to stop and for a short time thereafter (to allow us to comply with your request). In order to be able to fulfill your request, we also store information about your request to stop direct marketing or not to process your data indefinitely.

Your rights regarding the personal data we keep about you

You have certain rights under EU data protection laws. These rights include the right to request from us a copy of your personal data, the right to access, rectify, erase or restrict the processing of the personal data you have provided to us, in connection with the contract or with your consent, in a structured machine- readable format, and to request that we share (transfer) that data to another Data Administrator. In addition, in certain circumstances (in particular, when it is not necessary to process your personal data to meet contractual or other legal requirements, or when we use your data for direct marketing purposes), you may object to the processing of your personal data.

The above rights may be limited, for example, if complying with your request would result in the disclosure of another person’s personal data, if doing so would violate the rights of a third party (including ours), or if you request us to delete information whose retention is required by law or whose retention is in our legitimate interest. When responding to your request, we will inform you of any relevant exemptions.

Contact us

Exercising user rights

To exercise your rights, withdraw your consent to data processing or opt out of receiving marketing information from us, please:

write to us at e-mail address

ERA recruiting spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością with its registered seat in Kraków (address: ul.Gęsia 8/202, 31-047 Kraków), entered into the registry of entrepreneurs of the Number KRS 0001021763 , having Tax Identification Number (NIP): 6751778453 and Statistical Number (REGON): 524567050 (hereinafter referred to as: „ERA” or “We”) is a controller of job aplicants’ personal data obtained within recruitment process.

You can contact us by e-mail to the address:

Questions and complaints

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, our processing of your personal data, or wish to file a complaint, please send a message to us or to our Data Protection Officer at:

If you have reasonable doubts or believe that a data protection violation has occurred, you have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We may change this privacy policy at any time. We will post updates on our site.